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Methylome v1.3

Methylome workflow , which agree to FAIR principles , was built in Nexflow dsl2 language, with singularity container for used softwares, optimized in terms of computing resources (cpu, memory) for fish genomes studies, and its use on a informatic farm with a slurm scheduler.

  • Quality and adapter trimming from paired-end reads was carried out using Trim Galore [1].
  • Trimmed reads mapping, remove duplicates (if required), and methylation calling was achieved with Bismark [2].
  • BigWig files were obtained with bedGraphToBigWig [3].

Install methylome flow and build singularity image

Clone methylome git and build local singularity image (with system admin rights) based on the provided singularity definition file.

git clone
sudo singularity build ./methylome/singularity/methylome.sif ./methylome/singularity/methylome.def

Usage examples

design.csv file must have ID, R1 and R2 header and write with comma separator.

ID R1 R2
A /path/to/targetA_R1.fa.gz /path/to/targetA_R2.fa.gz
B /path/to/targetB_R1.fa.gz /path/to/targetB_R2.fa.gz
C /path/to/targetC_R1.fa.gz /path/to/targetC_R2.fa.gz


#SBATCH -J methylation
#SBATCH -p unlimitq
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
module load bioinfo/Nextflow/21.10.6
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/methylome/ \
-profile slurm \
--input "${PWD}/design.csv" \
--genome "genome.dna.toplevel.fa" \
--rrbs \
--ignore 2 \
--ignore_3prime 2 \
--ignore_r2 2 \
--ignore_3prime_r2 2 \
--scaffolds \
--buffer_size '50G' \
--meth_ratio_matrix \
--bigwig \
--out_dir "${PWD}/results"

RRBS for bisulfite conversion computation

#SBATCH -J methylation
#SBATCH -p unlimitq
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
module load bioinfo/Nextflow/21.10.6
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/methylome/ \
-profile slurm \
--input "${PWD}/design.csv" \
--genome "${baseDir}/spikes_templates/diagenode/diagenode_spikes.fa" \
--rrbs \
--ignore 2 \
--ignore_3prime 2 \
--ignore_r2 2 \
--ignore_3prime_r2 2 \
--CX \
--out_dir "${PWD}/spikes"


#SBATCH -J methylation
#SBATCH -p unlimitq
module load containers/singularity/3.9.9
module load bioinfo/Nextflow/21.10.6
nextflow run /work/project/lpgp/Nextflow/methylome/ \
-profile slurm \
--input "${PWD}/design.csv" \
--genome "genome.dna.toplevel.fa" \
--three_prime_clip_r1 10 \
--clip_r2 10 \
--scaffolds \
--buffer_size '50G' \
--meth_ratio_matrix \
--bigwig \
--out_dir "${PWD}/results"

Defaults parameters

Please refer to Trim Galore and Bismark for complete arguments explanation.

# fastq input
input = false

# genome index
genome = false
bismarkIndex = false
keep_index = false

# fastqc
skip_fastqc = false

# trimming
skip_trimming = false
clip_r1 = 0
clip_r2 = 0
three_prime_clip_r1 = 0
three_prime_clip_r2 = 0
rrbs = false
keep_trimmed = false

# Bimark alignment
local = false
score_min = 0.2

# bismark_methylation_extractor
ignore = 0
ignore_3prime = 0
ignore_r2 = 0
ignore_3prime_r2 = 0
CX = false
scaffolds = false
buffer_size = false

# merge methyation ratio

# bigwig

# save directory
out_dir = "${PWD}/results"


  1. Krueger F, Galore T. A wrapper tool around cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply quality and adapter trimming to FastQ files [Internet]. Available from:
  2. Krueger F, Andrews SR. Bismark: a flexible aligner and methylation caller for Bisulfite-Seq applications. Bioinformatics. 2011;27:1571–2.
  3. Kent WJ, Zweig AS, Barber G, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D. BigWig and BigBed: enabling browsing of large distributed datasets. Bioinformatics. 2010;26:2204–7.