V4 - Maintenance
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Analysis sort by data in project view
- WF AddAnalysis : rsync errors in error output
- make filenames in NG6 uniq
- Tests a faire lors d'une mise en prod
- export metadata
- [methylseq] do not store files for analyses Alignment and Metylation extractor
- clean pipeline outputs if succeeded
- cutadapt output changed from 1.3 to 18 and 1.14
- unable to use the modules functionality of jflow for component
- Update documentation with rules and modules
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- The Downloadsymlink workflow stays stuck when ng6 ssh user has a rsa passphrase
- Fail to update a user's role on a project
- Differences between projet's hidden parameter and its run's hidden parameter
- sort order not numeric in contaminationsearch table
- [IlluminaWF]Hiding some analyses per defaut
- ftp server architecture
- weaver : make patch for
- correct source indent (tabs/white space) for all files
- add manual for purging data
Completed Issues (closed)
- switch_space_id workflow fail
- RunStats image paths are wrong for A2P1b-PlaGe-Caille
- Usergroup with deleted = 1 / Error for "tsime-ngando" 's password sync
- Javascript visual bug on a project's runs list
- Display error in a project view : Table can not be sorted by date if the user is not administrator
- Jflow issues
- Login / logout issues
- [ont-qc] Adding new analysis : Demultiplex Stat for ONT